No matter how popular digital media today, print is still one of the best places to showcase various creative awesomeness. One common application is through designing magazines. And to make an iconic magazine issue is not just by creating awesome inside stories but most especially in maximizing creativity in the cover design.
The typical design we usually see on magazine covers are a combination of the usual design elements such as text, logo, photographs and other graphics. However some magazines covers can stand out by using only one of these elements like the use of typography alone. How come? Then lets take a look on various examples we collected to showcase how typography combined with a creative concept, effects and brilliant composition can create a unique design for a magazine cover.
The typical design we usually see on magazine covers are a combination of the usual design elements such as text, logo, photographs and other graphics. However some magazines covers can stand out by using only one of these elements like the use of typography alone. How come? Then lets take a look on various examples we collected to showcase how typography combined with a creative concept, effects and brilliant composition can create a unique design for a magazine cover.
![Fukt Magazine (Germany)](
Fukt Magazine (Germany) | Art direction and design: Ariane Spanier
Editor: Bjorn Hegardt | Source
Editor: Bjorn Hegardt | Source
![The Guitar Magazine (US)](
The Guitar Magazine (US) | Source
![Idealog (New Zealand)](
Idealog (New Zealand) | Editor: Hazel Phillips | Art direction: Aimee Carruthers | Source
![Jetzt (Germany)](
Jetzt (Germany) | Art direction: Joanna Swistowski | Source
![Billboard (US)](
Billboard (US) | Creative Director: Andrew Horton | Source
![The Guardian Guide (UK)](
The Guardian Guide (UK) | Source
![2 days to go: Wallpaper](
2 days to go: Wallpaper | Design by Studio Frith | Source
![100 issues Vogue Portugal](
100 issues Vogue Portugal | Art director José Santana | Source
![Sport (UK)](
Sport (UK) | Art Director: John Mahood | Design: Will Jack | Source
![Italian Wall (Rolling Stone Magazine)](
Italian Wall (Rolling Stone Magazine) | Source
![IL (Italy)](
IL (Italy) | Art Director: Francesco Franchi | Source
![Metropoli (Spain)](
Metropoli (Spain) | Ace Art Direction by Rodrigo Sánchez | Source
![NY Times Mag](
NY Times Mag | Designed by Sean Freeman | Source
![Popular Mechanics (US)](
Popular Mechanics (US) | Design Director: Michael Lawton | Source
![New York Times Mag](
New York Times Mag | Type Illustration: Mike Lemanski | Source
Metropoli | Ace Art Direction: Rodrigo Sánchez | Source
![ShortList Magazine](
ShortList Magazine | Source
![Bloomberg Businessweek](
Bloomberg Businessweek | Creative Director: Richard Turley | Source
![Punkt Magazine](
Punkt | Publisher: Rino Borini | Source
![Open Skies](
Open Skies | Sweet type by Mitch Blunt | Source
![Style Arts](
Style Arts | Source
Metrópoli | Ace Art Direction: Rodrigo Sánchez | Source
![This Magazine](
This Magazine | Artwork by Hyein Lee | Source
![Gym Class Magazine](
Gym Class Magazine | Source
![ESPN Magazine](
ESPN Magazine | Source
![Time Magazine](
Time Magazine | Source