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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Creative Advertising Ideas

Ottawa International Animation Festival
Who doesn’t love a good animation? Quirky, fun and nostalgic at times right? The Ottawa International Animation Festival and McMillan, Ottawa, Canada created these awesome posters that tells the viewers to get in touch with their inner child.

Penguin China
If there is one company that is synonymous to classic book titles it’s Penguin Books. For their newest campaign in China, Penguin and Y&R Beijing released these series of print ads depicting the beauty of reading a book and how reading can transform one’s life.

Paying homage to the three top users of Moleskine, Picasso, Van Gogh and Hemmingway. Crafted by China’s artist Odding Wang who hand cut a series of Moleskines to show their lives. The hand cut Moleskines are then toured for display in various bookshops in Beijing.

Abu Dhabi Air
For the Abu Dhabi Air Expo they wanted to emulate the excitement of the event and put it on paper for the audience. The paper printed with planes and was cut in such a way that people can twist and turn it just like how the planes will perform in the sky.

Crisis Relief Singapore
To get more volunteers, Crisis Relief Singapore created these series of in-your-face outdoor advertisements. Using strong images, Publicis Singapore the ad agency behind it enforced the message that likes won’t help at all.