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Friday, December 21, 2012

Splash Screens

Designers, graphic artists, programmers, web designers and even ordinary people from around the globe have, at least in one point in time, used a computer program of some sort to achieve a certain task. Whether creating text documents, punching in numbers in a spreadsheet or playing a character in a game, a program's interface plays an important role in the overall experience that a person derives from the use of that application.
Splash screens which are the images that appear while a game or program is loading are a part of a program's UI. And since it's the first thing that a user sees upon launching a program, a lot of software developers have put a great deal of effort in making these images as beautiful and as enticing as possible.
Software used by graphic designers is of course not exempted from this practice. So in today's You! Be Inspired post, we'll be taking a look at how the splash screens of three different programs have evolved throughout the years.