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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Not Your Ordinary Light Painting Photography

If you think that light painting was just a fad you better get a hold of this!

24×360 from Timecode Lab on Vimeo.

24×360 is a project collaboration between Patrick Rochon,  Eric Paré and Timecode Lab. This extraordinary dedicated creatives made use of a circular rig with 24 DSLR cameras mounted and pointed towards the center of the circle. The rig continuously captures long-exposure photographs while the light is being painted in the scene, this process produces a stunning 360-degree image that is viewable with a specially made viewer.
The rig that was used to capture the images.
The final images looks like came out straight from the Tron universe  topped with futuristic painter twist. The experimental project was conceived after a year of using the rig in live events. Below are some of the image stills from the project.