The objective of rebranding
is to influence a customer’s perception about a product or service by
revitalizing the brand and making it seem more modern and relevant to
the customer’s needs. Sometimes it’s done so right that we forget the
old brand even existed or don’t even miss it at all. The new mark fits
in with culture and gives us the feeling that the brand is persistently
pushing into the future while promoting great design. Please keep in
mind while reading that this is an opinionated piece. After reading let
us know what your Top 5 Rebrands of 2012 are! Here are our picks.
Source. Designed By: Siegel+Gale
Aetna introduced a completely new and fresh direction for the company relying on a beautiful purple color and slick lowercase typography. The company said that their goal was to create something “Vibrant. Energetic. Flexible. It shows our passion for helping you feel confident in your health care decisions, fitting into your life, and making it easier for you to live healthier.”
Siegel+Gale continues to partner with Aetna on implementation and rollout, providing multimedia tools and resources as well as training and support on brand architecture. With streamlined access, clear, simple and benefit-oriented communications, Aetna is now moving in a new and healthier direction.

Image. Designed By: Kraft
In 2009, Kraft Foods, Inc. introduced a mark that baffled consumers and advertising enthusiasts everywhere. The iconic red shape with the blue Kraft inside had become an American icon and for a company that has been around 109 years it didn’t seem likely for a brand overhaul.
I was extremely happy to see this one revert back to the original concept considering I named the previous mark number one on the poll article, Top 10 Worst Corporate Rebrands. It should also be noted that striving too far from the original design and concepts was the top choice for corporate rebrand failure according to our readers. I like the new font choice as it feels much more modern, inviting and easy to read. I think the shape has been slightly tweaked to feel smoother and is not quite as wide. Finally, the color has improved to read darker. As far as I know this is an in-house design job.
Designed By: Landor Associates
Originally DC Comics gave us a sneak peak at a grayscale version of their new logo, which seemed to disappoint comic fans everywhere across the Internet. A week later, DC released their branding plans for the logo and everything came together very nicely.
The logo itself doesn’t really scream “Comics!” or even remotely look like a comic book company at first glace. Rethinking a comic book company sounds like a pretty heavy task and the branding really saved this logo. The logo itself, in my opinion is a very nice logo but without the branding it’s really nothing. The only downside I feel to this logo is the lack of excitement the typeface provokes. Also the left justified DC and Comics doesn’t do much for me. Other than that I think this could be a home run.
On the positive side the logo adapts itself to each comic and character, in color scheme as well as in texture as seen below, making the logo extremely versatile in the comic world and something that I think will last in pushing DC Comics into the 21st century between film, TV, games, merchandise and of course Comic Books.
Designed By: Clarkhout/Cocoon
Originally named The Rainbow Society, The Dream Factory is a charitable organization dedicated to fulfilling dreams for kids who are battling life‐threatening illnesses. It’s unique because all of the funds raised stay in Manitoba, Canada to help local children.
Riding on a new tagline “Sometimes Kids Deserve To Get Carried Away” the new logo and brand package is a vibrant visual experience targeted heavily at children that introduces a blue, purple, green and cream color scheme. Ditching the previous red, yellow and green rainbow icon, as well as the chalky, dull look of the old brand. The old font was in standard and forgettable fonts.
The new logo is downright gorgeous. Most icons work best when minimal, this one is very detailed in many parts, yet remains a simple piece in solitude. “The Dream Factory” is written in two contrasting playful fonts over a cloud that a blimp type ship is floating by. I love the playful look of it overall, and how the D and the M are integrated into the cloud so seamlessly. Also the fact that they pulled off a dominant Blue to Cream gradient is an accomplishment in itself. I like the placement and size of the shadow.
Source. Designed By: ManvsMachine
After winning a competitive pitch, Channel 4 commissioned ManvsMachine to create a new brand identity and on-air look for More4. The package aligns with a re-focused range of content on the channel. 4Creative worked with them to produce a striking new creative identity for the evolving More4. The More4 re-brand is centered around a bold, new, flexible logo, created from multiple triangles that flip, fold, attract and repel each other into position. The re-brand extends to a whole new on-screen look, that includes five truly stunning new video segments.
5. Aetna
Aetna introduced a completely new and fresh direction for the company relying on a beautiful purple color and slick lowercase typography. The company said that their goal was to create something “Vibrant. Energetic. Flexible. It shows our passion for helping you feel confident in your health care decisions, fitting into your life, and making it easier for you to live healthier.”
Siegel+Gale continues to partner with Aetna on implementation and rollout, providing multimedia tools and resources as well as training and support on brand architecture. With streamlined access, clear, simple and benefit-oriented communications, Aetna is now moving in a new and healthier direction.
4. Kraft Foods
Image. Designed By: Kraft
In 2009, Kraft Foods, Inc. introduced a mark that baffled consumers and advertising enthusiasts everywhere. The iconic red shape with the blue Kraft inside had become an American icon and for a company that has been around 109 years it didn’t seem likely for a brand overhaul.
I was extremely happy to see this one revert back to the original concept considering I named the previous mark number one on the poll article, Top 10 Worst Corporate Rebrands. It should also be noted that striving too far from the original design and concepts was the top choice for corporate rebrand failure according to our readers. I like the new font choice as it feels much more modern, inviting and easy to read. I think the shape has been slightly tweaked to feel smoother and is not quite as wide. Finally, the color has improved to read darker. As far as I know this is an in-house design job.
3. DC Comics
Originally DC Comics gave us a sneak peak at a grayscale version of their new logo, which seemed to disappoint comic fans everywhere across the Internet. A week later, DC released their branding plans for the logo and everything came together very nicely.
The logo itself doesn’t really scream “Comics!” or even remotely look like a comic book company at first glace. Rethinking a comic book company sounds like a pretty heavy task and the branding really saved this logo. The logo itself, in my opinion is a very nice logo but without the branding it’s really nothing. The only downside I feel to this logo is the lack of excitement the typeface provokes. Also the left justified DC and Comics doesn’t do much for me. Other than that I think this could be a home run.
On the positive side the logo adapts itself to each comic and character, in color scheme as well as in texture as seen below, making the logo extremely versatile in the comic world and something that I think will last in pushing DC Comics into the 21st century between film, TV, games, merchandise and of course Comic Books.
2. Rainbow Society
Originally named The Rainbow Society, The Dream Factory is a charitable organization dedicated to fulfilling dreams for kids who are battling life‐threatening illnesses. It’s unique because all of the funds raised stay in Manitoba, Canada to help local children.
Riding on a new tagline “Sometimes Kids Deserve To Get Carried Away” the new logo and brand package is a vibrant visual experience targeted heavily at children that introduces a blue, purple, green and cream color scheme. Ditching the previous red, yellow and green rainbow icon, as well as the chalky, dull look of the old brand. The old font was in standard and forgettable fonts.
The new logo is downright gorgeous. Most icons work best when minimal, this one is very detailed in many parts, yet remains a simple piece in solitude. “The Dream Factory” is written in two contrasting playful fonts over a cloud that a blimp type ship is floating by. I love the playful look of it overall, and how the D and the M are integrated into the cloud so seamlessly. Also the fact that they pulled off a dominant Blue to Cream gradient is an accomplishment in itself. I like the placement and size of the shadow.
1. More4
After winning a competitive pitch, Channel 4 commissioned ManvsMachine to create a new brand identity and on-air look for More4. The package aligns with a re-focused range of content on the channel. 4Creative worked with them to produce a striking new creative identity for the evolving More4. The More4 re-brand is centered around a bold, new, flexible logo, created from multiple triangles that flip, fold, attract and repel each other into position. The re-brand extends to a whole new on-screen look, that includes five truly stunning new video segments.