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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wander, Art Nerd New York, and The Wellcome Collection

"Not all those who wander are lost," according to the great J.R.R. Tolkien. Have you ever felt the need to just disappear for a few days (or months) and go somewhere you've never been to before? It's not uncommon for artists to experience it. However, if you find yourself stuck and planning, always planning for that trip, let me tell you that the next best thing is to motivate yourself to take the risk and just wander. Traveling doesn't necessarily mean going to a different country or town. This week's roundup of graphic design news includes links to websites and projects that celebrate creativity and satisfy curiosity, sites that let your mind travel.

Wander is a website that's about to launch its beta version in a few weeks. In the meantime, users are encouraged to upload images with themes that change on a weekly basis. The first week is for photos of places where you'd rather be, while the second week is for sharing memories from a place you've been. The third and current week is about your favorite local spots. The site's creators also launched a postcard project that lets illustrators "imagine a postcard from everywhere and nowhere at once." You can also download the designs for your mobile device.

Wander Postcard Project via

Wander Postcard Project No. 13 by Ed Nacional via

Wander Postcard Project No.8 by Philipp Dornbierer via

Wander Postcard Project No. 11 by Jory Dayne via

The Wellcome Collection
The Wellcome Collection in London dubbed themselves “a free destination for the incurably curious,” making it natural for information nerds like us to be drawn to their site. Take a look at their lineup of tours, exhibits, and events and lose yourself in their mix of scientific (“Brains: The Mind as Matter) and anthropological (“Victorian Britain”) displays and guided tours.

The Wellcome Collection via

The Wellcome Collection, Victorian Britain via

The Wellcome Collection, Brains Exhibit via

Art Nerd New York
If you ever find yourself in New York looking for art hubs to visit, this website just might come in handy. Art Nerd New York is "part travel guide, part art history lesson" according to its creators. The site features an Art Nerd Map of New York City, where notable sites to visit are marked. Articles about exhibit openings, art installations, and tracking the trail of famous artists are also worth a visit.

Art Nerd New York via

Art Nerd New York Midtown Tour via

“Dear Photograph” Book
Dear Photograph, one of our favorite sites, celebrated its 1st year with a book! Dear Photograph is a blog that showcases photos within photos, submitted to and curated by Taylor Jones. His idea became viral and it was even praised by another curator of nostalgic ephemera, Frank Warren of Post Secret.

Dear Photograph Book via

The Design Museum – Designs of the Year, 2012
The Design Museum in London is a place where "creative thinking and inspired problem solving" are celebrated. Their annual contest, Designs of the Year, is now on its 5th year. The list of nominees shows how creativity is seen in different forms. Artists and their architectural, digital, furniture, fashion, graphic, product, and transportation designs composed the 89 entries, from which the London 2012 Olympic Torch was chosen as the overall winner.

London 2012 Olympic Torch prototype via

Design Awards, 2012 Olympic Torch via

The Yellow Submarine Folios, Dark Hall Mansion
Take a trip down memory lane when Dark Hall Mansion releases the limited edition print Folio for The Beatles' 1968 cinematic masterpiece, Yellow Submarine. Tom Whalen’s designs, reminiscent of the psychedelic aesthetic of the late 60s, are made more special by the fact that it’s the first time The Beatles have formally allowed a contemporary artist to reinterpret their film’s imagery.
The availability of The Yellow Submarine Folios will coincide with the release of the digitally restored 1968 animated feature film, Yellow Submarine.

Tom Whalen, Yellow Submarine Variant Colorway Set 03 via

Tom Whalen, Yellow Submarine Variant Colorway Set 04 via

Tom Whalen, Yellow Submarine Variant Colorway Set 02 via

Tom Whalen, Yellow Submarine Variant Colorway Set via