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Thursday, March 8, 2012

15 Creative Website with HTML5 Examples

New Zealand 100% Pure
New Zealand 100% Pure

HTML5 is some-more grown programming language. Since 1990, HTML is a hum word in area of calm building for World Wide Web. This revised chronicle of a HTML5 is be3ing directed to raise a programming denunciation and increases understanding facilities for multimedia applications. Online readers don’t have most time to combine on sold site and they wish a calm to be elementary nonetheless energy full. HTML5 is a best choice for developers to yield elementary and entertaining languages. At a same time it will be distinct by a computers and inclination like web browsers and pursers.
HTML5 is certainly here to stay, from a numerous list of articles, events and buzz about this latest revision of the HTML standard. Some websites using HTML5 proudly show the official logo and state the sentence “support the future now”. So to support this entire buzz and the technology we decided to gather a new list showcasing websites using HTML5.

SF Dok
SF Dok


Diablo Media
Diablo Media

FreeAgent Depot
FreeAgent Depot

Every Pixel Counts
Every Pixel Counts

This Shell by a Gamits
This Shell by a Gamits

Moods of Norway
Moods of Norway


Union Station Neighborhood
Union Station Neighborhood

Joshua Sortino
Joshua Sortino

The Uprising Creative
The Uprising Creative

Philip Andrews
Philip Andrews

Citroën DS5
Citroën DS5