The Graphic Design industry is very competitive, and trust me, it can certainly get stressful and frustrating at times. However, it doesn’t always have to be that way. Here, I have broken down my design process. This is how I create my design layouts from start to finish. Basically, with some focus, structure, and a little bit of talent, creating rewarding and professional design work can be produced more efficiently and with less stress.
The very first thing on my long list is to research and learn as much about my client(s) as possible. The more I know, the easier the project will be. For instance, I can only imagine the embarrassment of having a client question why images of plastic bottles were used when they only sell organic material. So to avoid such mistakes, I analyze my customers to ensure accuracy, and start off on the right foot to avoid any problems or issues later on.
The Elements
For me structure is important, I use a few elements as guidelines that help me to balance the level of unity within a composition. I basically break down design into three categories typography, negative space and color.
Typography is a very substantial and fundamental part of any design. After I’ve come up with a good concept or two, i‘lI start looking for an appropriate typeface, one that will define the mood and act sort of like an anchor that I can work with. Usually I’ll spend a good deal of time searching for something tasteful and fitting. The following two fonts sites - and - are two pretty good font resources with lots of variety. Once I have picked fonts that I like, I’ll play with it for a while, resize it, kern it, rotate it etc. and just have some fun with it. To keep the piece more cohesive and easier to read, I prefer to keep the number of typefaces in a design to a minimum to maintain consistency.
Negative Space
I like to have fun playing with different color combinations. There are so many color schemes that sometimes I’ll spend hours if not days trying to decide on one that will present the look and feeling I want to portray. I always thought that the psychological effect that colors present was fascinating. For example, when you see red, food may come to mind. While seeing the color blue, the feeling of tranquility and relaxation is felt by the viewer. I always found the unique meanings of color pretty handy for design. Using the right colors will make all the difference. I’ll usually try and pick tones rather than straight colors because it’s less generic. I am also a big fan of plain black and white, because the combination and contrast is so strong. A good site I check frequently is, which is a site where users post their favorite color combinations. also does a great job explaining what color combinations are good or bad and why.